Re-framing the Authoritarian White Male Psyche

(this is an excerpt from my book Real Nigga Real Nigger)

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While many different elements exist in rebuilding the black psyche, the first step must be to address the authoritarian white male psyche to understand why it exists and how its existence works to oppress the totality of the black collective psyche. Only by understanding the white authoritarian male psyche can it be defeated so that the black psyche no longer lives under its oppression.

The white male psyche is authoritarian in nature due to a deep-rooted fear of the world at large that stems from their supreme ignorance of other cultures, races, and beliefs. Without the maturity to investigate and learn the beauty in these different cultures, races, and world views, white fear quickly devolves into suspicion, anger, distrust. This anger, suspicion, and distrust further fuels their belief that violent oppression is their only method of protection (it is important to remember that what whiteness is really attempting to protect itself from is recognizing its own conscious and subconscious shortcomings.) As is the case with all oppression, the dominant group (white males) must then live under further suspicion and fear at the possibility of an uprising amongst the oppressed. This perpetual state of fear only deepens their beliefs and desire to bend the external environment to their will. As evidenced by males within a patriarchal societal structure, the defining role of the authoritarian father figure is that of the disciplinarian. In this context, we can evaluate white America by its attempts to control African Americans with the heavy disciplinarian arm of law and order.

As we have already seen, the externalization of white subconscious weaknesses into the concept of nigger leads them to attempt a systematic elimination of their white subconscious weaknesses by way of eliminating niggers. The authoritarian white male, as the "patriarch" of white America, then bears the "responsibility" of this elimination and brings the full brunt of America's systems down upon the black community. Only by shedding the subconscious installation of this patriarchal white authoritarian baggage can we as a black community stand up and face white America.

Within the collective psyche of black America, a new role must be created for the white male psyche if we are to stop this white authoritarian father figure persona from suffocating African Americans. The new role most suitable for the white male psyche is that of a spoiled child. Far from authoritarian, the childlike qualities of the white male psyche make it almost comical in nature. If personal maturity is developed by walking through the forest of self-doubt and questioning one place within the world, white males have existed too long in the cabin outside the woods. Instead, their lack of maturity in dealing with cultures and customs they do not understand is much more similar to a child than it is a reasonable adult. Shifting the narrative of the white male psyche away from authoritarian and towards that of a child allows–as Freud's Oedipus Complex recommends–the son (the black psyche) to kill the father (white male psyche). Only the burial of the white authoritarian male psyche will allow the black psyche the freedom it needs to reach its full potential.

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